Do you wish you could keep better track of your sewing projects?
Are you sick of never knowing what fabric, patterns or supplies you have?
Do you come home from the store to find you've just bought what you already have?
Wouldn't it be good if you could store information about all your sewing projects, plans, supplies and ideas in the one place.
Well now you can....
The Vicki Elle Printable Sewing Planner has been designed so you can keep all sewing related information at your fingertips.
No more rumaging through piles of fabric, patterns and supplies to see what you have, or forgetting where you're up to with a project, or what you plan to do next.
The planner consists of 35 unique pages contained in a digital PDF file ready for you to download, then mix, match and print to suit your needs. The pages can be stored in a binder, display book or similar. You could even have them professionally printed and bound if you wanted to.
Included are:-
Front Cover & Divider Pages
Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily Planners
Fabric, Pattern, Trim and Equipment Inventories
Body Measurements
Project Lists, Plans and Evaluation
Completed Projects
Ideas/Inspiration, Sketches and Notes
To Do, Shopping and Wish Lists
Favourite Videos and Blogs
Skills to Learn
Three different sizes, A4, A5 and Letter, are all included, so there'll be one to suit your needs.
This planner is available as an instant download so you can start getting organised today!